cpuer 发表于 2010-5-13 11:05:52

Network Maintenance and Expansions

Network Layer2 Partial Segments Upgrade:

On Friday May 14th 2010, we will be doing a Layer2 network upgrade for 3 segments of our network. This would impact roughly 120 servers on our network. The impact would be around 1-2 minutes downtime caused by moving network connection from current switch to new ones. This will improve network availability to those servers on these network segment and provide them more bandwidth.

Network Edge Upgrade:

We are currently working on upgrading our edge router with a completely new router. The new router parts has already been purchased and should be in the NOC on Friday May 14th. After complete system checkup we will be scheduling a maintenance window most likely by next week. We will notify our customers when it will take place. This maintenance will take around 30 minutes intermittant downtime.

This upgrade will GREATLY increase our network capacity and allow us to increase our incoming bandwidth of upto 80Gbps. This will also allow us to connect to more transit providers and peers. We will be increasing our network capacity to 30Gbps once this upgrade is complete. Providing us much more bandwidth to protect against DDoS which has been increasing dramatically lately.

Chicago DataCenter Expansion:

We were able to acquire more space in our Chicago Data Center. We will have more space for around 300 new servers. We will be concentrating more on acquiring Gbps Unmetered servers. As this will help us acquire more bandwidth. The new space should be available within the next 2-3 weeks and we will notify our customers with the new space available.

Denver DataCenter Progress:

We have finally finished the negotiation phase of our setup in Denver, CO. We have started purchasing the network equipment for Denver and once we complete the upgrades and expansions in Chicago we will start working on setting up the network in Denver. We should have the service launch in Denver within 2 months.

We will have 20Gbps of connectivity in Denver with a 10Gbps backhaul between Chicago and Denver. Allowing inter-connection and peer exchanges between the two datacenters providing the best available bandwidth. The new datacenter carriers most likely will be: Tiscali, TATA, ComCast. Nothing is certain yet but we will have more details on that as we move closer to the launch and the date is set.

Recent Network Performance:

Recently you may have noticed some network performance issues impacting some routes to our network in Chicago. We have been under HUGE DDoS attacks recently and we are working relentlessly to have this resolved. We thank you for your patience and support.

lylover 发表于 2010-5-13 15:42:54

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