6vps.net 发表于 2016-2-20 01:49:28





Hello QuadraNET, Inc,

You received a payment of $39.99 USD from cao kejia (yazgggx@163.com)

Thanks for using PayPal. You can now ship any items. To see all the transaction
details, log in to your PayPal account.

Important note: cao kejia has provided an unconfirmed address. Please check the
Transaction Details page for this payment to find out whether you will be
covered by PayPal Seller Protection.

It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.

Seller Protection - Not Eligible


cao kejia

Instructions to merchant:
The buyer hasn't entered any instructions.
Purchase Details
Description:Invoice #375832, Item#: 375832
Unit price: $39.99 USD
Qty: 1
Amount: $39.99 USD

Subtotal: $39.99 USD
Total: $39.99 USD

Payment: $39.99 USD
Payment sent to: paypal@quadranet.com

Invoice ID: 375832


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PPID PP341 - 51b4c0af1f06e

62900015 发表于 2016-2-20 02:01:28


Tell_me_why 发表于 2016-2-20 07:38:46

有中文客服 我和Andrew有联系 他是中国人 但是不会很好的说中文而且不会写

cgdns 发表于 2016-2-20 08:22:48

页: [1]
查看完整版本: quadranet他家也支持中文?