cpuer 发表于 2008-8-8 21:14:14

.sy域名 叙利亚国家顶级域名注册介绍



1.http://www.ste.gov.sy 官方管理站点

Syrian Regulations for the assignment of domain names under country code top level domain .sy

Syrian Telecommunications Establishment (STE), the Syrian operator attached to the ministry of communications, has been granted authorization by IANA to assign names under .sy domain since July 2002.
STE lays down regulations to manage the assignment of domain names under the country code top-level domain as follows:

1.        Second level domain names may be registered for:
a-        Active usage (domain delegation)
b-        Inactive usage (reservation only)
2.        Registered active domain names shall have an operational primary and secondary Domain Name System (DNS).
3.        The registration unit at STE is responsible for name entry and maintenance, in addition to follow up the operational status and database accuracy for each domain name.
4.        The registering unit is responsible for updating the database records as the need arises. Statements submitted in the application should be true, to the best of the registrants knowledge, and do not interfere with the rights of a third party. The application should clearly state that the domain name will not be
5.        Second-level domain name applications are kept in a pending state, if received by email, until a written confirmation to STE is received from the registrant, within a period of one month. If no such confirmation is submitted within one month, STE may reject the emailed application.
1.        To delete an active or inactive registration of second level domain names from the database, a written request from the registrant should be sent to STE.
2.        Insufficient payment for registration/reservation will lead to deletion of the entry.
3.        Negligence to pay due amount after elapse of an “on hold” period of 60 days, will result in STE deleting the entry without further notice.
4.        Deleted entries of second level domain names may become available for reuse by other applicants, without notification to the original registrant.

1.        For disputes over a domain name between two or more parties, STE cannot be held responsible for the verification of rights to a name. STE cannot act as arbitrator of disputes arising out of this kind of conflict.
2.        STE shall not be liable for any interruption of the customer business, or any indirect damages of any kind or otherwise.
3.        Registration of a pending application for a disputed domain name will be suspended by STE in case of a conflict with another pending application or with an already active or inactive domain name, until the conflicting registrants provide a signed and written settlement of the conflict.
4.        Acceptance of an application and registration of a domain name by STE does not endorse approval or support to submitted names of natural or legal identities, trade names or trademarks.
5.        STE shall notify registrants in case of obvious name conflicts or when names are likely to conflict with another name, trade name, trade mark, service mark, etc.

1.        STE shall notify registrants of a domain name, of acceptance, rejection or modification, by fax, email or telephone.
2.        STE shall reject domain name applications, in the following cases:
•        Incomplete entries in the application form.
•        Domain names being identical with an already registered domain name.
•        Domain names not complying with public ethics.
•        No primary and/or secondary DNS server(s) responding properly.

•        A domain name shall contain more than 2 and up to 24 alphanumeric characters per name, within the sets (a…z), (0…9).
•        Special characters such as a hyphen (-) (_) are not allowed as first or last character.
•        The first character should be a letter.
•        It is common that in the national domain structure is not flat but hierarchical e.g.: .co.uk, .ac.uk, therefore we adopted the following hierarchical structure for subdomains of the national .sy domain: .edu.sy, .gov.sy, .net.sy, .mil.sy, .com.sy, .org.sy …etc.

1.        A registration cost of 60$ per year is charged for one domain name registration.
2.        For organizations with a leased line connection through STE, the cost of the domain name is included in the yearly subscription.

•        The subscription is automatically renewed to extend into the following year, unless the subscriber explicitly states its intention to terminate it two months before the end of the running year.
•        This document is subject to modification by STE. It enters into force at the date it is signed.

        STE - Internet Project Management
        Domain Name Registration Unit
        Telephone Number: +963 11 3739701
        Fax Number: +963 11 3739729
        Email Address: dnru@net.sy
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