宇尘网络 发表于 2011-3-18 21:58:53

今天收到SK的邮件 有翻译

Hello yu,

As you may already be aware, the entire world reserves of available IPv4 has been depleted. It's only a matter of few months until all available IPv4 allocations are provisioned and no new IP addresses available globally.

Unfortunately we are running low on our IPv4 allocation in our Denver facility, and we are looking for the help of our customers so we can better manage our available IPv4 resources.

Some of our customers in the Chicago DC have an IP allocation of to We are looking to remove this IP range completely from Chicago and assign it to our Denver DC.

So, at this time we would like to ask our customers that have active service in Chicago and have an IP assignment in the range of - to please open a helpdesk ticket under the "IP Recycle Group" and we will provision you an IP assignment from our other IP allocations to replace the current range you have. You will be given Fifteen days to completely move your service to the new IP assignment you are provisioned.

We understand that this is a major hassle and we completely understand your frustration. Unfortunately with the current IPv4 strict regulations we are forced to take such actions until IPv6 is fully implemented globally and IP assignment worries would be a thing of the past.

Thank you,

feiyd 发表于 2011-3-18 23:04:46


宇尘网络 发表于 2011-3-19 10:46:28


sharpgun 发表于 2011-3-19 12:20:13

SK 的IPv4不够用了,需要将芝加哥机房的部分IP,广播到丹佛机房去
凡是芝加哥机房的服务器,在70.39.64.0 ~这个段的,都需要更换新IP,因为这一段IP将会转移到丹佛去。

你要干的事情就是联系客户,说明问题,要过来他们的登录信息,在SK发起工单,工单种类/部门 选择"IP Recycle Group"   他们会登录服务器,更换成新IP,更换之后回单告诉你新IP是xxxx,用户名密码不变


sharpgun 发表于 2011-3-19 12:21:59

宇尘网络,你也是河南的哦~:victory:   我是大煌的

宇尘网络 发表于 2011-3-25 08:53:55

呵呵 是啊 我知道你们 这个你们做的不错 多向你们学习啊

Host.HowPick 发表于 2011-3-25 15:26:57

今天全面清理了一番, 找出来了8 9台这样的机器。还好不多。 yc002t
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