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[lighttpd] hostigation慢的不能忍。。

发表于 2013-12-22 12:21:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
昨天有人说hostigation 512特价机慢,说是网络问题,我现在觉得不是网络问题是CPU问题

测试CPU非常卡。。。。型号1*CPU - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)

hostigation 用KVM虚拟化的机器开openvz,,,你们老板是买不起vmware了吗?
发表于 2013-12-22 12:28:28 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
昨天有人说hostigation 512特价机慢,说是网络问题,我现在觉得不是网络问题是CPU问题  测试CPU非常卡。。。。型号1*CPU - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)  hostigation 用KVM虚拟化的机器开openvz,,,你们老板是买不起vmware了吗?来自: iPhone客户端
发表于 2013-12-22 12:43:42 | 显示全部楼层

测试CPU非常卡。。。。型号1*CPU - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)

hostigation 用KVM虚拟化的机器开openvz,,,你们老板是买不起vmware了吗?
发表于 2013-12-22 12:55:44 | 显示全部楼层
测试CPU非常卡。。。。型号1*CPU - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)

hostigation 用KVM虚拟化的机器开openvz,,,你们老板是买不起vmware了吗?
发表于 2013-12-22 13:15:06 | 显示全部楼层

测试CPU非常卡。。。。型号1*CPU - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)

hostigation 用KVM虚拟化的机器开openvz,,,你们老板是买不起vmware了吗?
发表于 2013-12-22 14:05:30 | 显示全部楼层
测试CPU非常卡。。。。型号1*CPU - QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6)  hostigation 用KVM虚拟化的机器开openvz,,,你们老板是买不起vmware了吗?
发表于 2013-12-22 14:13:43 | 显示全部楼层
e5la22 migration
12/20/2013 00:18 EDT - The repair has begun, all VPS are being migrated to a temp node then moved back. Keep an eye on this announceent for progress
12/21/2013 13:47 EDT - All remaining VPS have been stopped to tar up, about 200gb, this is the homestretch
12/21/2013 19:25 EDT - The node has been repaired and I have begun moving containers back starting with those I left shut off durring this time, next the temp node will be rebooted into single user mode to get the containers off that have stopped responding

发表于 2013-12-22 14:46:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-12-22 14:47:02 | 显示全部楼层
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