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发表于 2020-11-17 18:05:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 laogui 于 2020-11-18 11:25 编辑

2020-11-18 11:25更新:
分享一个自用的处理下载的脚本,优先选择下载高清版本('315@251' '313@251' '308@251' '271@251' '299@140' '137@140')
用法:bash ytb_download.sh video_id
在win系统可以在Git Bash上运行


I’m reaching out on behalf of the GitHub Trust & Safety team about our decision to reverse the RIAA DMCA takedown of your repository: https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2020/11/2020-11-16-RIAA-reversal.md


First, we want to make clear that it is never our desire or goal to take down open source projects, and when possible we work with developers to help navigate our DMCA process.

To that end, we wanted to make sure you were aware that the parent repository made changes in response to the takedown notice, and based on additional information, GitHub has determined that the notice does not meet the requirements of our DMCA Takedown Policy: https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2020/11/2020-11-16-RIAA-reversal-effletter.pdf

Accordingly, GitHub has decided to reject this notice with respect to the parent repository and we’ve reinstated that repository: https://github.com/ytdl-org/有图比-dl  

## Regaining access to 有图比-dl

If you would like access to this content again, the easiest, fastest, and recommended option is to refork the parent repository. This means your fork will have the changes the parent repository made in response to the DMCA Takedown Notice. This option requires no action from GitHub.

If you’d like to delete your current DMCA disabled repository, you can let us know by replying to this email or by contacting us here: https://support.github.com/contact?tags=GH-POL-1120-1&subject=有图比-dl%20fork

Alternatively, if you’d prefer to have your original fork reinstated, you’ll need to make the same changes that were made by the parent repository. We would need to coordinate with you so that we can reinstate your repository for a limited period while you make those changes. Specifically, once we have reinstated your repository, you’ll need to sync your repository with the parent repository: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/syncing-a-fork

Please note that due to the large size of this network, responses to your requests could be delayed. We’ll work to resolve this issue with everyone impacted as quickly as possible, but we appreciate your patience. To choose this option, please let us know by contacting us here: https://support.github.com/contact?tags=GH-POL-1120-1&subject=有图比-dl%20fork

**Again, if you’re looking for the fastest option to regain access to the content, we recommend you refork the repository, which you can do yourself, and you do not need to reply to us.**

We know that this event has impacted users significantly. Please know that we don’t take these decisions lightly, and we detailed some of the changes we’re making in response to this event here: https://github.blog/2020-11-16-standing-up-for-developers-有图比-dl-is-back


GitHub Trust & Safety
发表于 2020-11-17 18:17:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-11-17 18:06:06 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2020-11-17 18:22:55 | 显示全部楼层
chuen05 发表于 2020-11-17 18:17

自己再装个 ffmpeg,下载的时候顺便下音频并合并一下
发表于 2020-11-17 18:27:42 | 显示全部楼层
桥本有点菜 发表于 2020-11-17 18:22
自己再装个 ffmpeg,下载的时候顺便下音频并合并一下

 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-17 18:58:05 | 显示全部楼层
chuen05 发表于 2020-11-17 18:17

ytb-dl -f 308+251
发表于 2020-11-17 19:03:25 | 显示全部楼层
chuen05 发表于 2020-11-17 18:17

下载的时候 直接 视频+音频 如果机器有ffmpeg 会自动合并的啊
发表于 2020-11-17 19:03:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-11-17 19:11:38 | 显示全部楼层
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